Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Pink Icing

To coincide with a new deliiiiiiiiicccccciiiiioooouus project from Fifi and Lola, aka Lucy Aebischer and Holly Hilden, I bring to you two pretty pink shirts to bring the sweetness without the calories!
First was a birthday present from the twosome- a fabulous pink spotty number. (below) It is 80's and handmade. It would have been made to be worn tied up at the front, but I really like the shape if you leave it undone. Fanks girls!

And above is another find from PDSA charity shop in Barnet. Very 80s Coffee morning. Me-likey. There's a really nice fabric button at the top and a cross hatched pattern.

Keep an eye on Lucy's blog, as these girls have sweet-cake filled plans that are taking off!

Friday, 12 February 2010

Sorry I've been BEIGE

Well haven't I been neglectful. My life has been taken over by my exciting new project with my brilliant pal Shane Wilson, BEIGE BANQUET. Check it out! its the name for our joint endeavors, which currently takes the form of a video. We land somewhere in between fashion, illustration, prop design and film, and will be updating our blog regularly with everything beige, so you peacocks shall not be out of the loop.

In the mean time I have some remaining wintery treats to show you...

Before Christmas I went to a jumble sale held by the fashion department at my university, and pcked up this jumper and necklace for three pounds the both of them! The funds went towards their final degree show, so I was more than happy to part with my money. The jumper is hand knitted, and I have lived in it in the cold! The necklace is so plastic fantastic. My look for February and beyond is "90's mum" and this hits the nail on the naff naff head!

Next I have two finds from an unexpected source. While I was still in Barnet, North London over the Christmas break I found these two gems in a PDSA charity shop on Barnet High Street. It is usually pretty busy in there and I was under the impression it only sold books, but upon entrance I found a brilliant selection of 80s and 90s garments. Above is a sequined 80s jumper, with shoulder pads (essential!) and below is a silk shirt originally from Laura Ashley I'd say early 90s late 80s. To donate to the PDSA click here.