Well its official. I have a new style crush. After months of resisting her latex clad charm, Lady Gaga has infiltrated my style consiousness. I. LOVE. HER. the music's not always totally up my street (although I do enjoy paparazzi of an afternoon) but this girl sure has style. The quirky bordering on grotesque is right up my street, Its stripper-meets-rockstar-meets-insanity! So I've hit the charity shops and found some fun stuff to emulate la gaga this winter. Starting with above is one of my favourite things to bring something more to a simple top- FRINGE! I loved gaga's fringed shoulders (above) and this top captures some of the fun. It is 80s aerobic wear, and I found it in Bath Women's Aid, 14 Chatham Row. Its one of my favourite charity shops in Bath, doing excellent things for the local community, and this beauty cost me the grand sum of £1.

Next up is this amazing denim waistcoat. I've been into this look for a while, and gaga really brings it to life. Mixing the masculine with the feminine so overtly is what gaga does best, and to me is the ultimate in provocative dressing. This combination of the masculine waistcoat, and satin lingerie and fishnets underneath totally works, looking sexy in a new way. I found my 80s waistcoat in 'Help the aged' in Barnard Castle in County Durham. A brilliant unspoiled charity shop, that I've consistently found good things in. To donate to 'help the aged' click here.
She is not everybody's cup of tea, but for now what she wears can do no wrong with me. I'm ditching my trousers for fishnets. I'll dance to keep warm!
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